Procedure For Registration And Admission
- Registration for new students compulsory
- Registration fee prior to admission is non – refundable/ non- transferable
- Document Essential at the time of admission for all pupils:
- Birth Certificate of Municipal Board in Original/ Attested copy or declaration of DOB by mother/father /guardian
- Two passport size and 1 ticket size photographs of the child
- For class I and above a Transfer Certificate from the previous school.
- A certificate of Medical Fitness issued by a registered medical practitioner.
- Reports card or marksheet of previous class.
Rules Regarding Fee
- School fees should be paid in the school office during working hours by 7th of April, August and November.
- Parents /Guardians should take receipt of the payment.
- Parents /Guardians will preserve the fee receipt issued to them in proof of payment, if required.
- The school will not be responsible to confirm the parents/ guardians of the due fees
- The fee can be deposited in case of Cheque/ DD in favour of Shanti Niketan Public School. Bhadra
If the name of a student is struck off due to non –payments dues on account his/ her absence without leave for ten consecutive days, his/her readmission entirely depend on the discretion of the Principal and availability of seat. If readmission is allowed, the child will have to pay re – admission fee @ 200/- and the arrears due.
- A prior one month’s notice for one month day. Fee in lieu thereof, is to be given when a student is to be withdrawal .
- Students discontinuing in middle will have to pay fees for entire academic year.
- A student can be expelled by the school authorities on anyone of the following ground:
- Irregularity in attendance
- Behavioral problem
- Nonpayment of fee & school dues
- Non submission of transfer Certificate
- Moral breach, as seen by school authorities.
- No fees is refundable at the time of withdrawal, even if the child has attended school for a single day.
- However, if a student applies for T.C. in the case of Transfer of parents fees is refundable.